It's beginning to look like a house.
Windows from left:
Guest Bdrm, Living room, Front door, Dining room, Utility room, Garage, Garage.

Back view:
Master Bdrm, Florida room, Ham Shack (computer room)

Living room with view out the front door.
The front yard is really dry because FL is in a drought,
over 12 inches behind the average rain fall for the year.

Thru the living room and Florida room out across the back yard to the barn.

Marilyn in the Florida room.

Terry sweeping out the garage.

Master bdrm and bath.

Just 4 days ago Philip was working on the roof.

While the door guy hung the Barn doors.

Barn interior with people door and drive thru door.

The contractor worked on the roof decking on Mon. & Tues.

And Terry nailed the OSB board on the house.